Pain & Stress Reduction

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Stretch with PRSI Break for Pain & Stress Reduction.

Pain Reduction

Pain is one of the symptoms of repetitive strain injury.

Pain reduction is achieved by preventing and treating RSI.

The PRSI Break program does this by addressing the cause of RSI, deep in the connective tissue system.

By maintaining flexible and fluid connective tissue, injury is stopped before it can start!

By returning connective tissue to a healthier state, injury is significantly reduced or totally eliminated if it already exists.

An added bonus of connective tissue health:

Losing flexibility and mobility are two major concerns of growing older.

Regular PRSI Break use will keep the body lithe and supple for aging users.

Stress Reduction

Reducing stress is a challenge, particularly in lives that seem to be more hectic as time passes.

Stress reduction is built into PRSI Break in two ways:

  • Pain Relief - Chronic pain causes both physical and emotional stress.  When pain is relieved, stress is reduced.
  • Deep Breathing - Each stretch in PRSI Break contains deep breathing.   While users are reminded to breathe throughout each stretch, a particular focus is placed on the time when the stretch is held at the point of resistance.  In these moments of quiet in which additional oxygen intake is achieved by accompanied deep breathing, stress is reduced.


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